ISO-Aire is proud to demonstrate its line of medical-grade purifiers at the Gaylord Rockies Convention.
ISO-Aire – a leading clean air technology solution that effectively fights airborne germs and contaminants in building applications – arrives in Colorado Monday to protect the indoor air at the Realcomm/IBcon Real Estate Technology Expo. The final destination for the ISO-Aire team and its line-up of unmatched air purification models is the Gaylord Rockies Convention Center for the annual real estate technology event taking place Oct. 26-29, 2020. ISO-Aire account executive Scott St. Pierre will also participate in a COVID Technology Showcase panel to analyze the latest in safe, effective indoor air filtration solutions on Thursday, Oct. 29.
Four ISO-Aire™ RSF1000 units will be strategically positioned on the Realcomm Expo stage to safeguard the indoor air for event participants and attendees. ISO-Aire™ is one of several clean technologies in the smart building industry category being highlighted as COVIDTech. The models can house up to three layers of medical-grade filtration including a HEPA filter (99.99% to .3 microns), ozone-free bipolar ionization, and UVC sterilization. The trifecta of high-tech components represents the brand’s signature approach to help capture and destroy 99.99% of airborne germs and indoor contaminants such as pollen, mold, dust, smoke, and VOCs.
“Expo participants can breathe easier knowing our ISO-Aire line of clean air technology delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the CDC,” explained Chuck Albers, developer of ISO-Aire™ and owner of parent company Ducts & Cleats. “We’re excited to partner with industry leaders at Realcomm to further their mission of raising awareness for vital indoor air solutions that can best support the commercial real estate industry particularly during the global pandemic.”
ISO-Aire RSF 1000 Series at Millers Landing Senior Living, Minneapolis, MN
Many passive and active air purification technologies will be explored during this year’s conference, which is a blend of hybrid, virtual and on-site demonstrations and discussions. Scott, St. Pierre, ISO-Aire™ account executive, will take a deep dive with participants to review the efficacy and pros/cons of various technologies that have been implemented in safe HVAC and indoor air hygiene applications. St. Pierre brings decades in HVAC and mechanical expertise and experience and was part of the development team that engineered the original ISO-Aire™ prototype in early 2020. The panel, from 10:15-10:45 a.m. on Oct. 29, will be moderated by Howard Berger, Realcomm managing partner and senior vice president.
“We scoured the globe to find COVID-related technology that will create a safer, healthier environment,” explained Berger. “While clean tech has been around for decades to combat pandemics, we are faced with a situation where there are many unknowns related to COVID-19. We are committed to help provide the best-in-category technology solutions designed to identify the Coronavirus disease, minimize the spread, prevent infection, and kill the virus. We appreciate ISO-Aire™ coming on board to proactively add a layer of air quality protection inside our Expo space.”
Developed in early 2020 for a leading Minnesota healthcare provider, ISO-Aire™ launched into commercial applications last June and debuted its residential product line in September. ISO-Aire™ units take game-day strategy to purifying the indoor air by utilizing an offense-and-defense type approach. HEPA filtration and germicidal UVC act as defense as contaminated air is pulled inside the unit while ionization floods the room space with positive and negative ions “scrubbing” the air clean. In summary, the three technologies are effective in several ways and create a lasting impact to improve the safety and well being of room occupants:
• A HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter captures 99.99% of airborne particles up to .3 microns; effective in removing viruses, bacteria, pollen, dust, and mold to help offer relief especially to those managing respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies;
• Ozone-free bipolar ionization works in two strategic ways to capture and destroy microscopic germs and contaminants; helps reduce odors;
• UVC sterilization inactivates the DNA/RNA of germs, reducing their ability to infect human cells.
For more details on ISO-Aire model specifications, pricing, and to determine which unit is the appropriate solution for your business, school, or living space please email, or call 651-265-0605.