Returning to The Classroom…Safely

With unmatched ISO-Aire™ clean air technology

Air Purification Solutions for California Schools

Classrooms, gymnasiums, dormitories, arts and performance areas, lecture halls, and COVID-19 isolation rooms have one thing in common during this unprecedented back-to-school season in California: each indoor space is protected with ISO-Aire™ clean air solutions. Leveraging proven, medical-grade filtration components used in healthcare settings, ISO-Aire™ continuously recirculates indoor air and effectively captures and destroys 99.99% of airborne contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, smoke, and volatile organic compounds. While nothing is COVID-19-proof, we believe our report card speaks for itself.

Watch our video to learn more about how the ISO-Aire HEPA air purifier works.

Unmatched Protection: ISO-Aire safeguards California schools, universities and child-care centers protecting students, teachers and staff from potentially harmful invisible pathogens and indoor pollutants. Developed to address COVID-19 and other airborne contaminants, ISO-Aire utilizes proven medical-grade technology in a high-performance, quiet, and easy-to-install system. Inside ISO-Aire models, we’ve engineered three layers of unmatched air purification protection: HEPA filtration (99.99% to .3 microns) paired with optional bipolar ionization and/or UVC sterilization. Our seasoned team of experts work closely with school administration and facility managers to create tailored, reliable air quality strategies that suit their school community needs utilizing proven filtration that can purify air around the clock.

Legacy Christian Academy, Andover, MN

Unlimited Applications: Our adaptable, recirculating ISO-Aire models deliver continuous purified air throughout school buildings, classrooms, and campus spaces. ISO-Aire portable units, developed at the request of a teacher, can be maneuvered from one room to another. Our stationary recirculating floor models infuse purified air into larger spaces such as cafeterias, gymnasiums, music rooms, and commons areas. Schools and child-care centers have also utilized ISO-Aire to create a safe, isolation space in the event a child or staff member were to become COVID-19 symptomatic. 

Unprecedented Design: What puts ISO-Aire™ ahead of our competition? Our products offer the maximum level of protection, proven filtration components and an effective design for every type of school or child-care center environment. With over 55 years of experience, we’ve carefully chosen 100% U.S. made components and integrated them together into a powerful, dependable system.

RSF Series – Floor set design, great for offices, schools, restaurants, day care and senior living centers, ideal for rooms small to large. Top discharge grille (as shown) or ductwork type connection available. Available in 250 CFM, 300 CFM, 500 CFM, 1000 CFM and 2000 CFM models.




RSP Series – Portable design built with mobility in mind. Compact but powerful, ideal for most applications. Rugged casters and sturdy, built-in handle allow for transportation between multiple rooms or within a facility. Up to 750 CFM.

RSH Series – Hanging design, ideal for above ceilings, concealed areas or locations without floor space. Inlet and outlet connect to ductwork. Up to 1,000 CFM or 2,000 CFM models.



HEPA Filter

Captures 99.99% of particlesEliminate infectious airborne contaminants
  • Captures 99.99% of particles

  • Eliminate infectious airborne contaminants

Bipolar Ionization

PARTICLE REDUCTION and smoke controlKills and Neutralizes pathogensENERGY SAVINGS of 30% by reducing outdoor air intake up to 75%
  • PARTICLE REDUCTION and smoke control

  • Kills and Neutralizes pathogens

  • ENERGY SAVINGS of 30% by reducing outdoor air intake up to 75%


Ultraviolet-C Radiation

Proven as an effective inactivation method for mold, bacteria, and viruses
  • Proven as an effective inactivation method for mold, bacteria, and viruses


Making The Grade:  Legacy Christian Academy

In the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, what we cannot see in the air we breathe poses a great risk to our students, teachers, staff, and future.

That’s why the team at Legacy Christian Academy in Andover, MN partnered with Rick Atkinson of Pro Control Building Services Group and ISO-Aire clean air technology to strategically place powerful indoor filtration units inside the pre-K through 12th-grade school.

Legacy Christian Academy - Andover, MN

Legacy Christian Academy - Andover, MN

A Strategic Plan and a Safe Space: Green Meadows Opens Doors to Children of Essential Workers

Operating safely and with confidence during COVID-19 has been the guiding course of action at Green Meadows Schoolhouse in Lewis Center, Ohio. This welcoming child-care center – with a family-centered mission to help children grow – applied for an emergency pandemic license during COVID-19 closures to remain open and provide care for the children of essential workers.

Green Meadows Schoolhouse - Lewis Center, OH

Green Meadows Schoolhouse - Lewis Center, OH

Stetson University

Stetson University, a top-ranked private college in Central Florida, is welcoming students back to campus with Safer Stetson protocols in place. Included in the college's risk mitigation handbook for COVID-19 preparedness, Stetson's facilities
management team is following safe indoor air filtration guidance from ASHRAE.

Stetson University - Deland, FL

Stetson University - Deland, FL