Bipolar Ionization May Be the Next Big Step in the Fight Against COVID-19
In December of 2019, SARS-CoV-2, a novel coronavirus that infects humans, broke out in the Wuhan Province of China. It soon enveloped the world into a new way of life. With the economy straining under the restrictions, governments and businesses are searching for ways to open safely.
Besides the rush for the development of a vaccine, safety measures in buildings are also being examined. One such safety measure is the inclusion of bipolar ionization in HVAC systems. Bipolar ionization is not a new technology- being popular in Europe since the 1970s. Now, big names in the US, such as the renowned John Hopkins Hospital and the giant Los Angeles International Airport are touting the benefits. Even Google Headquarters is adopting the technology into its HVAC.
How Does Bipolar Ionization Work?
Bipolar ionization involves a unit that splits molecules in the air into positive and negatively charged ions. These ions then cluster around airborne particles like mold, viruses, bacteria, and even allergens like pollen. The ions not only help to make these particles bigger, causing them to be easier caught by the air filter, but they also physically affect viruses and other pathogens. In the case of viruses, it affects the molecular structure of the protein coat that is a key part of the infection process. With the proteins altered, they cannot infect our cells, and thus cannot make us ill.
Bipolar Ionization Works Best When Combined With a HEPA Filter
Watch: How does bipolar ionization work
Bipolar ionization does not replace higher filtration like HEPA filters, but works well well as a complimentary technology. The most effective way to implement bipolar ionization technology is with a portable, in-space HEPA air purifier that is equipped with ozone-free bipolar ionization. This allows for proper filtration while emitting high enough ion counts into the space to be effective on pathogens, odors, VOCs and more. How ionization is applied is critical to how effective it is because the space needs to achieve high enough ion counts to work, but due to the limited ion lifespan of 60 seconds, many duct based applications aren’t able to achieve the proper levels compared to when using an in-space unit such as our ISO-Aire products.
With new information developing on SARS-CoV-2, numerous scientists now claim that the virus can be suspended in the air for much longer than previously thought, making bipolar ionization as a method of helping to clean indoor air even more important.
Portable HEPA Air Purifiers Equipped With Bipolar Ionization Leads to Effective Air Filtration
At ISO-Aire, we are proud to be able to offer up a diverse line of HEPA air purifiers that are long-life and low-maintenance. All of our air purifiers come equipped with a 99.99% effective HEPA filter and can be selected to have ozone-free bipolar ionization and/or UVC sterilization as additional levels of air purification. Our purifiers are a top choice for schools, offices, businesses, and residences. To learn more, contact us at 651-265-0605 or at
Why ISO-Aire HEPA air purifiers are the best choice in the air filtration industry.
Top 5 Considerations When Looking at Bipolar Ionization