Education Videos
How the ISO-Aire Commercial Air Purifier Works
The ISO-Aire™ commercial air filtration system is the ideal solution for commercial and healthcare facilities to add filtration capability to common and high traffic areas. HEPA filtration, UVC sterilization and ozone-free ionization provide an industry leading level of protection.
Why Air Purifier Airflow Design Matters
Before you buy an air purifier, check how they are designed and their airflow. Look for a powerful air purifier capable of throwing clean air throughout the room, maximizing a clean air strategy.
How Much Does an Air Purifier Really Cost?
When purchasing an air purifier, there are some hidden costs that you should consider before making your final choice. Some air purifier brands can appear cheap, but have many hidden costs.
Top 5 Considerations When Looking at Bipolar Ionization
How does bipolar ionization work? Bipolar ionization splits molecules in the air like water vapor into positively and negatively charged ions. Ions occur naturally, and are atoms that have either more or less electrons than usual.
Top 3 Considerations When Looking at HEPA Filters
What are the differences between a MERV 13 and a HEPA filter? One major step towards reducing the risk of COVID-19 noted by many health safety organizations would be the upgrade of the building’s air filter to one that is rated at a MERV 13 level or higher.
Top 3 Considerations When Looking at UVC
ISO-Aire is an innovative and long-lasting, clean air technology solution designed with power-driven and proven components including 99.99% HEPA (High-efficiency Particulate Air) filtration, ozone-free bipolar ionization and UVC sterilization used on recirculation models.